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Pricing Difference

When a credit is being claimed for a pricing difference or price rebate, a credit is posted to the Creditors account, there is a GST component for local creditors and the stock cost price is adjusted in the inventory. The credit is posted to Inventory Value account attached to the inventory items,


  Ex GST Price Change GST Inc GST Total
Part A - Shipping Return 50.00 5.00 55.00
Part B - no Shipping Return 60.00 6.00 66.00


  Warehouse Mask GST Code Debit Credit
Part A - Inventory Value Current Warehouse   50.00
Part A - Creditors Value     55.00  
Part A - GST Adjustment Inwards     5.00
Part B - Inventory Value Current Warehouse   60.00
Part B - Creditors Value     66.00  
Part B - GST Adjustment Inwards     50.00
Part B - Cost Price Adjustment   100.00  

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